Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yellow Basic Yoke Dress with Scalloped Spoked Collar

This very sweet dress was created using Sarah Howard Stone's Basic Yoke Dress in a size seven. The fabric is a light yellow Pima batiste with a white collar. The collar pattern along with several other designs are included in the pattern package. French Maline laces are used on the sleeves and collar. The dress has a built-in liner. The skirt is finished with a six inch deep hem.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Second Generation Dress

This sweet dress was adjusted to fit the next generation. I wish I could take credit for making this precious dress, but my responsibility was to repair, lengthen, and update it. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the dress before the adjustments, but let me share with you what I did.

The only adjustments I made to the yoke was to deepen the ruffle. The original design only had the small edging gathered slightly around the yoke. I removed the edging and zigzagged it to the rosebud insertion to create a more ruffled and fuller look. The ruffle was gathered and whipped on by hand.
The dress needed lengthening by several inches. To accommodate the needed length, I added two lace bands to the existing center band. The beading and floral insertion were original and I added the rosebud insertion and the dot filler. All the laces used are vintage and are exquisite in texture. The built-in liner was removed and a new longer one was added. The liner was hand rolled and whipped and attached to the bottom of the yoke.

I love working with and repairing vintage textiles. The craftsmanship and care to details are simply amazing.


Pale Pink Swiss Batiste French Bonnet

This precious French Bonnet was created to coordinate with a Babette day gown ( The headband in the bonnet is made from ecru French Maline laces and the puff and the streamers use the same pink batiste as the day gown.

The crown also is created using French Maline laces.

This bonnet is a custom order and has sold.


Blue Pima Broadcloth Boy Suit with Ecru Lace

This beautiful boy suit was created using blue Pima broadcloth and French Maline laces. The pattern used to make this shirt was Sarah Howard Stone's Benton pattern. I used the round collar in this pattern and adjusted it to have the shaped curve in the front and the back.


Back view:

Embroidered bullion daisies with satin leaves enhances the collar.


Pleated shorts complete the ensemble.


This was a custom order but I welcome the opportunity to create one especially for you. Feel free to contact me at

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pink Batiste Dress with Tear Drop Shaped Skirt and Fancy Collar

Such a sweet dress! This beautiful dress was a custom-ordered dress for Easter. The dress was made following Sarah Howard Stone's Basic Yoke Dress pattern. Pink Swiss batiste was used to create both the dress and the collar. A combination of French Maline ecru laces were used throughout from the lace ruffles to the shaped lace insertion.


Embroidery design used:


The shaped lace loops and embroidery on the skirt:


Monday, March 18, 2013

Blue Batiste Waisted Dress with Puffing

Several years ago, I made this beautiful dress for Sarah Howard Stone, Inc. It was designed by Mrs. Stone and featured exquisite vintage lace. If I remember correctly, I used Children's Corner Margaret pattern for the yoke.

The lace which made up the front yoke was zigzagged together to form a rectangle block. I adjusted the Margaret pattern to create the lace panel portion of the yoke. After pinning the adjusted pattern piece to the lace block, I zigzagged around the pattern using a tiny zigzag and, then, cut out the shape. This shaped piece was carefully placed on a fabric block making sure there were no ripples in the fabric and I zigzagged the outline of the lace piece to the fabric. After applying entredeux to the angled sides of the lace piece, the next step was to prepare fabric blocks to finish a block large enough to cut out the original Margaret front yoke pattern. The key was to ensure the angle on the side fabric block pieces matched the angle of the lace portion.

This dress has shoulder ruffles which are gathered slightly from the waist in the front across the shoulders to the waist in the back. The back yoke is the same as the front with the exception of a placket.


The skirt features two lace bands on either side of a puffing band finished with a deep lace ruffle.

Here is a closer view of the front yoke.

If you have any questions concerning the construction of this dress, please feel free to contact me.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lace Basic Yoke Dress with Swiss Embroidery Insertion

This beautiful dress is made using white Swiss batiste and ecru French Maline lace. The yoke is created using Sarah Howard Stone's Basic Yoke Dress pattern. The skirt and sleeves are rolled and whipped, gathered, and attached by hand.

The skirt consists of two lace bands and a band of Swiss embroidered insertion and is finished with a lace ruffle.
This dress was custom ordered and has sold. Please feel free to contact me to discuss designing a unique heirloom dress just for you.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lavender and Ecru Basic Yoke Dress

In looking through old pictures, I came across these of a lavender dress I made for Sarah Howard Stone, Inc. several years ago. The dress features a lace yoke embellished with a gathered lace ruffle. The skirt features two lace bands, puffing band, and a gathered lace ruffle. Please excuse the quality of the pictures!

This was dress was designed by and made for Sarah Howard Stone, Inc.


Tear Drop Shaped Lace Dress

This beautiful dress was created using Sarah Howard Stone's Tyler pattern in a size 5. The yoke is structured using a variety of French Maline laces and further enhanced with a gathered lace ruffle. The skirt consists of shaped lace in a loop-de-loop pattern or tear drop design. The shaped lace is complimented with pastel embroidery. A gathered lace ruffle finishes the dress's design. This dress also has a built in liner finished with a lace edging applied flat to the fabric.

View of the front yoke:

View of the back yoke:


View of the skirt and embroidery:


View of the embroidery:





Pink Babette with Ecru Lace and Pastel Embroidery

This precious daygown is created using pale pink Swiss batiste and fine French Maline lace. Gathered lace and pastel embroidery embellish the placket. Pastel embroidery has been added to either side of placket on the lower front of the gown.

This daygown is available for sale. Please contact me for information.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

White Daygown with Pink Ruffle

This precious girl daygown features a pink Swiss batiste ruffle gathered along the outside placket edge. Vintage edge is gathered slightly around the neck and continues along the ruffle's edge.

The placket has three sprays of bullion roses.

The sleeves are finished with vintage lace and pink ribbon.

This daygown is available for sale.